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We believe Paws&Licks can help us give back in a way we couldn't in our own.

So every year, hopefully every month in a near future, we'll donate a percentage of our profits to different worldwide charities.

While you are looking the most cutest and stylish in your adventures, you can also give yourself a pawfive for supporting a brand that cares for our world.

We'll all be helpping fluffers, Hoomans and those who need it the most.

Please feel free to follow this projects or even help them in any other way you can.

T H A N K   Y O U

for your pawsome support!



We have rounded up to


Our donation acquired 120 cans of wet cat food and helped pay some veterinary expenses.



We have rounded up to


Our donation acquired 45Kg of dog kibble and 1Kg of cookie treats.

Do you know a charity project? Send us a message - we want to know everything about it!

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